World shift complete.

While our exit from Chickadee was a swift and efficient process this year, filled with time with dear friends, fun activities and good food, leaving the boat had its usual cloud of melancholy and sadness that plagues our late-March. For a fun levity boost to counteract it, we quickly got excited about seeing things at home. We have had a LOT of projects that have been going on while we were away, and while the management of those from afar kept us in the loop, coming home to actually see everything underway was like coming downstairs on Christmas morning. We skibbled from house to house, room to room, oohing and aahing over upgrades and new shiny things. And then a transitory ‘ewww’ when I sat down in my office to open mail and pay the bills for those shiny things, but everything in balance, yes?

Lily, after a host family switch, has returned to herself again, which is an immense relief. While working for the Spanish Chamber of Commerce is not likely on her career horizon, her life there seems much more comfortable, and her new family and their space and ways was the major contribution to that. A giant ‘WHEW’ on the parental end of things. She has been asking me for a wrap-up post, and here it is, Bird! I’ll end with a photo dump of our last days, plus a shot of one of our first days back. We were greeted with grey, cold wind and snow, and while visiting Andy’s dad, his usual views of the harbor were hidden by the ick of it. We decided to see what Chickadee looked like in Southwest Harbor, and.. she be cold.

Just booked flights to go get Lily in June and have an adventure before we head home. Maybe a bonus SALVio-not-sailing post to come.

All buttoned up and ready to rest for a long summer’s nap.
I couldn’t not.
Petting the rays that frequent Brendal’s beach on Manjack Cay.
They just basically ram into you like labradors, hopeful for a snack. Labradors that are slimy, that is.
Last night with a good crew.
At the ferry dock, saying goodbye to GTC.